Monday, November 17, 2008


Two months ago I asked Brig what kind of birthday party he wanted for his 5th birthday and with out hesitation he told me that he wanted it at Home Depot. That got me thinking. I knew that they had some sort of craft day ever so often and I wondered if they would let me incorporate a party in to one of them some how. So I went down to The Home Depot and some how convinced them to do just that. On November 1st we threw Brig his very own Home depot birthday party. The kids made leaf presses and had cake in the brake room. It was actually fun and a 5 year old's dream come true.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yes i did make the cake and yes it did take me 2 or 3 days. I'm awesome!!

I asked Brig what his favorite part was and he told me that it was the presents but I think that the fork lift was a close second.


Friday, November 7, 2008


This Halloween was so much fun. Brig and Logan crack me up! They always pick the funniest things to be on Halloween with the exception of Brig's second choice to be a halo character. They never have any kind of desire to be a super hero or anything a normal kid would want to be, but instead, opt for the more odd or creative out fit. If you know Brig and Logan at all you know that their dream is not to turn in to some supper cool power ranger when they get older but instead they dream about becoming a super street sweeper man , garbage man or like Brig's costume this year a Home Depot man who drives fork lifts and fixes things (his words not mine). Logan had me laughing the hole night. He INSISTED on being his favorite stuffed animal, his kitty for Halloween. A couple days before Katie was born I took Brig and Logan to Build a Bear and told them that they could pick any stuffed animal they wanted and told them that they could dress them in what ever they wanted. Logan picked out a kitty cat and wanted to dress it in a pink flowered rain jacket . I tried to talk him into the batman out fit or like Brig, he picked a good looking tool belt. But Logan loved that little rain jacket so much that I could see that I wasn’t going to win so I let him get it and now he caries that cat with its pink rain jacket everywhere! Its hilarious and I cant do a thing about it. He just loves his little kitty. So naturally, for Halloween, that’s exactly what he wanted to be. So, like good parents, we made it happen. But the funniest part of the night was that he wouldn’t talk he said that kitties don’t talk they just meow. So the whole night he just meowed when you asked him a question. What a good little actor! He staid in character the whole night. Katie hated her costume and was not amused with the whole Halloween celibration. I don’t blame her! That little lady bug outfit was so poofy that we had to take it of and put it back on every time we took her in and out of the car in order to get her seat belt on. Poor Katie! But she looked just adorable. I love that little Katie bug. I was a Halloween punk rocker and I had way too much fun with it. If it didn’t draw so much attention I would do my hair like that every day. Too bad I wasn’t 20 in the 1980’s that would have been so much fun. Kris was a matrix guy. He wasn’t in to the Halloween spirit like he usually has been but still he looked supper cute. Overall it was a good Halloween

Sarah palin and John Mccain

Kim Willis saw a picture of Kendra and Jessie and suggested that they just had to be John McCain and Sarah Palin for Halloween so Kendra took her advice and landed a second place in the costume contest that they entered.

Every Halloween my sister in law throws a big Halloween party and the decorations are amazing somehow she makes Halloween look elegant and pretty instead of gooly and horrid. It was such a blast.