Brig, Logan, and Brady just finished 3 weeks of swim lessons. it was quite an accomplishment considering they were all crying uncontrollably the first few days but i guess it wasn't anything a little bribery wouldn't fix. good job guys!!!
Brig ,Logan,and Brady Bum at their swimming lessons.
Brig swimming. good job reaching bud! BIG ARMS!!!!!!!!!
Logan swimming under the water and through the ring.
I have no idea why he feels like he needs to pucker his lips in order to show me his cut. he's funny!
Logan got his chin scare this week the boys have been taking swim lessons for 3 weeks strait and brig has gotten pretty brave but Logan is not at the level that brig is at although he really wants to be and tries his very best. The other day I took the boys swimming at papas house and brig was doing awesome he would jump off the side of papas pool into the semi deep end and then swim back and climb out and then do it again Logan decided that he wanted to be brave to like Briggy so he stepped up to the edge and after a few seconds of trying to work up the courage he jumped only to turn around half way in to the jump as he attempted to reach for the edge but instead hit his chin with full force . I quickly picked him up and ran him in the house yelling at Brig to follow me. As I sat him on the counter I could see that his chin had been split open and that he was going to need some kind of butterfly bandage to close it up but I didn’t have any so I just used a normal bandage which surprisingly worked pretty well until I got home and replaced it. He is such a tough kid he cried but not to much he always surprises me how he reacts to things when it come to getting hurt. what a brave boy. latter that day i noticed that he had chipped a couple of his teeth as well poor Logan.
Katie patiently waits as big brothers Brig and Logan take there swim lessons. She's so funny!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
I know that these sun glasses may look a Little big on Katie but they said that they were new born. I think she looks fabulous!
This is Katie in the shirt that Kendra embroidered for her. It says her name Katie Jane Hawkins on the front and on the back corner love kookas that's what my kids call Kendra
I love this picture because Brig and Logan are always doing the same thing. Thats a good thing some of the time!